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The SERVICE overprinted stamps are difficult to sort out due to similar images, various sizes, redrawn images and the fact that all the definitives were not overprinted.

The Bradbury and Asher printings have many of the same images, but not all. The Asher stamps are smaller than the Bradbury, but that does not often help when you are seeing an image on the internet and they are not fully described. One does not know what printing the stamp comes from.

Luckily, the Harrison stamps are easy to identify as the images are different and the design is fairly consistent.

The Kniga printing is also easy to identify as the images are difficult to understand, many images and the paper and ink are dull in appearance and the stamps are not very appealing. Most of the overprints are in English, but there are a few in Bengali

The Security Printing Corporation of Bangladesh stamps are similar to the Kniga printing but many have the overprint in Bangla, but there are a few in English.

Bradbury Printings

Asher Printing

Harrison Printing

Mezhdunarodnaya Kniga Printing

Security Printing Corporation Printing


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